Need Direction
Are you wondering "What is my purpose?" Have you thought "Why am I here?" NOW that God has your attention be assured that God wants to give you guidance more than you desire it.
The Bible says God's people perish for a lack of knowledge. It clearly states that as God has a will (plan or destiny) for our lives, our adversary Satan also has a will for our lives. His ultimate goal is to steal, kill and destroy you and the generations that will come through you.
Here at the Ment, you will be taught that you are born into the earth and immediately thrust into a spiritual battle in which many have no idea how to fight. The Bible is clear that our warfare is not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Are you bound by a stronghold? Are your family members or friends bound by strongholds?
We invite you to come and learn how to wage war against the enemy and learn how to partner with God in defeating the adversary in every area of your life.
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